How to Clean LG Washing Machine Filter: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Lily Parker Thu, Nov 02, 2023
Reading How to Clean LG Washing Machine Filter: A Step-by-Step Guide 5 minutes
How to Clean LG Washing Machine Filter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Regular maintenance of your LG washing machine is essential to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. One crucial aspect of maintenance is cleaning the washing machine filter. Over time, the filter can become clogged with lint, debris, and other substances, leading to reduced efficiency and potential damage to the machine. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean the LG washing machine filter in a top loader model.

Why Cleaning the LG Washing Machine Filter is Important

Before we dive into the cleaning process, let's understand why cleaning the LG washing machine filter is crucial. The filter is responsible for trapping lint, hair, and other particles that may be present in your laundry. If the filter gets clogged, it can hinder the proper drainage of water, cause the machine to vibrate excessively, and even result in unpleasant odors. Regularly cleaning the filter will help maintain the efficiency of your washing machine and prevent potential issues.

Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

Before you start cleaning the LG washing machine filter, gather the following tools and materials:

  • A pair of rubber gloves
  • A bucket or shallow pan
  • A small brush or toothbrush
  • A clean cloth or sponge
  • A mild detergent or vinegar

Having these items on hand will make the cleaning process more convenient and effective.

Locating the Filter

The next step is to locate the filter in your LG washing machine. In top loader models, the filter is typically located near the bottom of the machine, behind a small access panel. Consult your washing machine's user manual to find the exact location of the filter, as it may vary slightly depending on the model.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning the LG Washing Machine Filter

Step 1: Turn off the Washing Machine

Before you begin the cleaning process, make sure the washing machine is completely turned off and unplugged. This precaution is essential to avoid any potential accidents.

Step 2: Open the Access Panel

Locate the access panel covering the filter. It is usually at the front or back of the machine, near the bottom. Use a screwdriver or your hands to remove the screws or clips securing the panel. Once removed, set the panel aside in a safe place.

Step 3: Remove the Filter

After removing the access panel, you will see the filter. Gently pull the filter out using your fingers. Be cautious as there might be residual water trapped in the filter. Place a bucket or shallow pan beneath the filter to catch any water that may spill out.

Step 4: Clean the Filter

Now that the filter is removed, it's time to clean it. Start by removing any visible debris, lint, or hair using your hands or a small brush. Then, rinse the filter under running water to remove any remaining residue. If the filter is particularly dirty, you can use a mild detergent or vinegar solution to soak it for a few minutes before rinsing it again.

Step 5: Clean the Filter Housing

While the filter is out, take the opportunity to clean the filter housing as well. Use a clean cloth or sponge dipped in a mild detergent or vinegar solution to wipe the inside of the housing. Pay attention to any corners or crevices where dirt may accumulate.

Step 6: Reinstall the Filter

Once the filter and housing are clean and dry, carefully reinstall the filter back into its original position. Make sure it is inserted securely and fits snugly. Avoid forcing the filter as it may break or cause damage to the machine.

Step 7: Replace the Access Panel

Lastly, put the access panel back in place and secure it with the screws or clips. Ensure that it is tightly secured to prevent any water leaks or accidental opening during the washing cycle.


Regularly cleaning the LG washing machine filter in your top loader model is essential for maintaining its efficiency and preventing potential issues. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily clean the filter and ensure the optimal performance of your LG washing machine. Remember to consult your washing machine's user manual for any specific instructions or precautions related to your model.

cleaning LG washing machine filter, LG top loader washing machine, washing machine maintenance, how to clean washing machine filter, cleaning tips for washing machine

How to Clean LG Washing Machine Filter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to clean the filter of your LG top loader washing machine with this step-by-step guide. Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance and longevity.