How to Read More on Tumblr Mobile

By Sophia Thompson Mon, Oct 09, 2023
Reading How to Read More on Tumblr Mobile 3 minutes
How to Read More on Tumblr Mobile


As a Tumblr user, you may have encountered situations where you want to read more of a lengthy post but find it cut off on your mobile device. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this limitation and access the full content. In this article, we will guide you through various methods to read more on Tumblr mobile.

Using the "Read More" Feature

One of the simplest ways to read more on Tumblr mobile is by utilizing the "Read More" feature. Many Tumblr users choose to insert a "Read More" break in their posts to ensure that only a preview is shown initially. To access the complete content, follow these steps:

  • Open the Tumblr app on your mobile device.
  • Navigate to the post you want to read more of.
  • Look for a "Read More" link or button within the post.
  • Tap on the "Read More" link or button to expand the post and reveal the full content.

By following these steps, you can easily access the full content of a post that has been truncated on Tumblr mobile.

Using a Web Browser

If the "Read More" feature is not available or does not work for a particular post, you can try using your mobile device's web browser to access the complete content. Here's how:

  • Launch the web browser on your mobile device.
  • Go to the Tumblr website ( and log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the post you want to read more of.
  • Scroll down to view the entire post without any truncation.

Using a web browser provides an alternative method to read more on Tumblr mobile when the app's features fall short.

Installing Third-Party Apps

If you frequently encounter truncated posts on Tumblr mobile and find the above methods inconvenient, you may consider installing third-party apps specifically designed to enhance the reading experience. These apps often provide additional features and customization options. Here are a few popular options:

  • Tumblr Savior: Allows you to blacklist or whitelist specific tags, blogs, or posts, ensuring that you only see the content you are interested in.
  • XKit Mobile: Offers various extensions and enhancements for Tumblr, including the ability to view full posts without truncation.
  • Tumblr App: Although not a third-party app, it is worth mentioning that the official Tumblr app occasionally updates with new features and improvements, which may address the issue of truncated posts.

By exploring these third-party apps, you can potentially find a solution that suits your needs and makes reading more on Tumblr mobile a seamless experience.


Reading more on Tumblr mobile doesn't have to be a challenge. By utilizing the "Read More" feature, accessing the full content through a web browser, or installing third-party apps, you can overcome the limitations of truncated posts and enjoy a richer browsing experience on Tumblr. Experiment with these methods and choose the one that works best for you.